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I am happy to offer Direct Billing to most major extended health benefit providers! Although I will need a valid Credit Card on file in order to direct bill your insurance.
I require 24 hours notice for cancellations and/or appointment changes. A fee of 50% will be charged for less than 24 hour cancelations. Anything canceled after your appointment time will result in being charged the full price.
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Massage Therapy
Deep tissue or therapeutic massage
Suction/ Glass / Fire Cupping
Fire cupping is where glass cups are suctioned onto the skin through negative pressure. The suction and negative pressure stimulates the lymphatic system to drain excess fluids and toxins, pulls fresh blood flow to stagnant muscles and skin, loosens adhesions and stubborn knots in muscle and myofascial tissue and stimulates the nervous system. *Cupping may result in marks that can normally take up to 2 weeks or more to disappear.
Pregnancy / Prenatal Massage Therapy
When you are pregnant you may still get a massage! You can either lay side lying or in prental cushion ( face down) which ever you prefer!
Motor Vehicle Accident
Craniosacral Therapy
Jade Stone Massage Therapy
Jade Stone Massage uses both heated and/ or cooled stones where some are placed on or under the body as well as used as a massage tool. Jade stone combines the benefits of cryotherapy and thermotherapy. When using stones, I can work deep into the muscle tissue to release muscle tension and localized pain without any painful discomfort. Chilled stones provide just as powerful of a massage as heated stones. When used together, it can create a feeling of a vascular flush to constrict and release blood vessels.
Jade stone works great for those who are super sensitive to pressure during a massage!
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